• Secrets, Rebellion, Bitterness and Poison

    Secrets, Rebellion, Bitterness and Poison

    This week we are going to look at secret sins and rebellion and the consequences thereof. You may be surprised at what we find here. Rebellion is one of those sins, we think other people commit and the same goes for secret sins. We look down on people who do this and disregard any teaching…

  • The Biblical pattern to forgive

    The Biblical pattern to forgive

    If we want to ensure that we live within the blessings of YHVH, we need to ensure that our relationships with our brothers are in good shape. We cannot go before YHVH if we have a brother that has something against us. Does this imply we simply need to forgive all who transgress against us?…

  • The spiritual fix for fear

    The spiritual fix for fear

    As we have already seen, a number of our health issues come from the spiritual dimension. One of these sources is fear. Fear can create havoc in your life if it is not under control. We need to understand what fear and anxiety does to our bodies before we can start the healing. Healing also…

  • What do we do with disease

    What do we do with disease

    Continuing our study in health and healing, we will now look at the cause of the spiritual diseases. How do we contract a spiritual disease? How does our spirit connect with our physical health? We have seen that the medical system is not capable of dealing with these diseases, thus we need to turn to…

  • His perfect will is not to heal you

    His perfect will is not to heal you

    What is YHVH’s plan with our health? Disease is a curse that comes upon us due to sin. It appears that the medical establishment is out of depth for some of these incurable diseases. Maybe it is simply that doctors are not trained to deal with the source of these diseases. We need to address…

  • Why we are to forgive

    Why we are to forgive

    Unforgiveness is the root of many problems. It leads to bitterness, anger and resentment and many other negative emotions. It affects us in every area in our lives. You may not have realized this before…or maybe you have, but don’t know how to change this. We shall share with you what we have learned about…