• Why we are to do our own Bible study

    Why we are to do our own Bible study

    In this article, we want to look into why it is necessary for us to do our own Bible study and why we should apply self-discipline and establish a habit of daily Bible study. We can learn from others, but we find several reasons why we are to study for ourselves. We will explore it…

  • Scripture memorization … having YHVH’s Word in our hearts…

    Scripture memorization … having YHVH’s Word in our hearts…

    The power of Scripture is unlike anything else on earth. It’s a force to be reckoned with, containing intrinsic power, high enough to give us insight, deep enough to give us peace, wide enough to mold our personalities, and strong enough to bear us through horrendous days.2

  • Speak truth to yourself

    Speak truth to yourself

    In this article, we will focus on the first step of what we are to do to establish hope and purpose in our lives. Our objective is to be free from anxiety and depression; to live a life driven by purpose that will inspire others to want to be part of YHVH’s Kingdom.

  • Finding meaning

    Finding meaning

    Finding meaning is probably one of the most sought after objectives in life. Many books have been written about this subject, yet it remains unreachable to most and the question is often asked why this is. The reason may be that we seek for answers in the wrong place…

  • To have hope …

    To have hope …

    Hope is one of the finest responses of which the human spirit is capable. It has kept people alive and buoyant when the conditions of life were almost unbearable. Hopelessness on the other hand is defined as despair or desperation, having no expectation of good, incapable of improvement or not susceptible to remedy. We all…

  • The six woes, and Yom Kippurim

    The six woes, and Yom Kippurim

    It is almost Yom Kippurim, the most solemn day of the year. A day of atonements, a day of introspection and repentance. I am sure we have all been searching ourselves, to find the areas where we fall short. I always ask YHVH to reveal these areas to me, and He is faithful. It is…