Search results for: “tithe”

  • Sukkot – the Festival of Joy!

    Sukkot – the Festival of Joy!

    It is almost time for Sukkot, the Festival of joy! Going to Israel for Sukkot is an unforgettable experience! All around you see Sukkah’s; the streets are filled with people, and you hear cheerful celebration deep into the night (not always so great, if you want to sleep). There is an atmosphere of jubilation all…

  • The New High Priest on Yom Kippurim

    The New High Priest on Yom Kippurim

    During the annual mo’ed of Yom Kippurim (Day of Atonements), the high priest of Israel had a very special role to play. He had to take the blood of the sin offerings before YHVH to atone for his sin, his family’s sin and the sin of the nation. When Y’shua died and was resurrected, His…

  • The Abrahamic Covenant – Covenants – Part 3

    The Abrahamic Covenant – Covenants – Part 3

    In our next installment in the series of the Biblical covenants we look into the covenant made with Abraham. Why was Abarham chosen and what exactly was promised to him? It is also interesting to analyze exactly who receives the benefits of this promise. And last we need to take a look at what this…

  • 7 Signs of a False Prophet

    7 Signs of a False Prophet

    We are living in a time where lawlessness is increasing, YHVH’s law is being replaced with man’s law more and more. I have recently seen a re-writing of the ten commandments; it is called “the ten for churches.” YHVHs Ten Commandments were re-written “to put them in the context of modern-day living.” These are the…

  • To eat or not to eat, what is the Scriptural standard?

    To eat or not to eat, what is the Scriptural standard?

    What is the scriptural standard with regards to eating? How are we to understand these instructions and what is the physical and spiritual significance when we obey? Keeping these dietary instructions is commonly referred to as keeping kosher. The word “kosher” or “kasher” means proper, pure or acceptable. If we say we eat “kosher” we…

  • Have we become the modern-day Pharisees?

    Have we become the modern-day Pharisees?

    Have we become like the Pharisees in the time of Y’shua? Have you noticed how critical and judgmental we have become? There seems to be a tendency among believers to judge. To judge others for their different interpretation of scripture, for their use of certain words or for their use or pronunciation of the name…