Search results for: “pagan words”

  • The (not so) pagan roots of words

    The (not so) pagan roots of words

    The community of believers has become a minefield when it comes to the use of certain words and names. The words we use have become our label. If you say a word or name in a certain way, you are judged by some as being this or that. You are immediately categorized as either pure…

  • Spiritual utterance, words from above

    Spiritual utterance, words from above

    The topic of spiritual utterance has been on our list to study for a long time now. This topic can be controversial, but needn’t be. We will focus on what is written about this in Scripture. There are actually three kinds of spiritual utterances found in Scripture. Speaking in tongues is one of these.

  • Will YHVH allow us to be deceived?

    Will YHVH allow us to be deceived?

    Every person alive is subject to deception. Y’shua said even the very elect would be deceived (Matt 24:24). This was also Y’shua’s very first warning when He was asked about the end of the age. He said: “see to it that no one deceives you” (Matt 24:3-5). We have written a few previous posts about…

  • Modesty


    If you hear the word modesty a certain image may arise in your mind of a woman dressed in conservative clothing. Is this really what modesty is about? Is it only about clothing and is it only women that should be concerned with this? Is this true? Is modesty only about what we wear? These…

  • Building altars

    Building altars

    We have recently published two articles: Dispelling spiritual darkness, which is about prayer altars and A spiritual priesthood about how wrong it is when we, as believers, call ourselves priests. These studies prompted a few the questions: how do we reconcile the building of altars and sacrificing by people who are not of the Levitical…

  • Did Y’Shua really exist?

    Did Y’Shua really exist?

    Why do you believe in what is written in the Apostolic Scriptures (New Testament)? This is a question that we may bump into when we speak to people that have not accepted Y’Shua as their Messiah. When asked to defend what you believe in, do you have the information at hand? Being prepared is half…