• Making your voice heard on high

    Making your voice heard on high

    The next three appointed times on YHVH’s calendar is approaching, Yom T’ruah, Yom Kippurim, and Sukkot. It is always a good thing to “take stock” of our spiritual condition before we observe these days. Especially Yom Kippurim, a day of humbling ourselves before YHVH. It is part of Jewish tradition to do introspection for forty…

  • Petitioning YHVH

    Petitioning YHVH

    Hannah was childless and it caused her great sorrow. She petitioned YHVH for a son, and He gave her children. Adonijah petitioned Bathsheba for Abishag, she was beautiful and he wanted her to be his wife. However, he had ulterior motives…Esther risked her life to petition king Ahasuerus for the life of her people. Job,…

  • Strongholds, each of us has one

    Strongholds, each of us has one

    The concept of a stronghold is foreign to our modern minds, except for what we may have read about it in history books. It is not part of our frame of reference and because of this, we may not understand the significance of this. We need to understand the physical structure in order to understand…

  • Using habits to set yourself apart

    Using habits to set yourself apart

    In order for us to lead a set apart life, we need to do the actions that will produce good fruit. Most of us know what these are, yet we struggle to make it happen. Can we use the modern study of habits to bring us closer to these acts of righteousness? We have heard…

  • Living righteously, but getting no Heavenly Reward

    Living righteously, but getting no Heavenly Reward

    While researching for an article, I came across a verse that suddenly jumped out at me. This verse states that we can live righteously, yet get no heavenly reward. How could this be? That is quite a scary thought which necessitates further investigation. Please read this and share for we are all guilty in one…

  • Yom Kippurim…a call of repentance to the nation

    Yom Kippurim…a call of repentance to the nation

    It is almost the Day of Atonement, Yom Kippurim. We have written a few posts on this appointed time before, the most important being the post about what we are to do on Yom Kippurim. We are commanded to afflict our beings on this day, and if you use Scripture to interpret Scripture, clearly we…