• An Excellent Wife

    An Excellent Wife

    When we think about being an excellent wife, we picture the image we feature here. It is, however, not about performance. It goes much deeper.

  • And they lived happily ever after…

    And they lived happily ever after…

    A marriage is like a long trip in a tiny rowboat: if one passenger starts to rock the boat, the other has to steady it; otherwise they will go to the bottom together. –David Robert Reuben Success in marriage is more than finding the right person: it is being the right person. –Robert Browning These…

  • Knowing YHVH

    Knowing YHVH

    An artist is known by his work. If you were to show a person interested in art a certain masterpiece, he will know who the artist is. YHVH is the greatest Artist ever. His art is visible all around us, in every living being and creature, in nature, in the setting of the sun. YHVH…

  • Making your voice heard on high

    Making your voice heard on high

    The next three appointed times on YHVH’s calendar is approaching, Yom T’ruah, Yom Kippurim, and Sukkot. It is always a good thing to “take stock” of our spiritual condition before we observe these days. Especially Yom Kippurim, a day of humbling ourselves before YHVH. It is part of Jewish tradition to do introspection for forty…

  • People Pleasing and Biblical Boundaries

    People Pleasing and Biblical Boundaries

    Broken people are inclined to be people pleasers, they tend not to have clear boundaries. They want to be accepted and will therefore always say yes. They are the ones you can always depend on to get things done. They are easily manipulated by others pleas or anger. They say yes, but may feel immense…

  • The Significance of Baptism

    The Significance of Baptism

    Is it really important to be baptized when coming to faith in Y’Shua as your Messiah? Y’Shua told His disciples to go and baptize people. The apostles kept up the tradition of baptizing new believers once they had acknowledged their faith in Y’Shua. The church as changed this doctrine over time to now also include…