• Internet etiquette taught by James, the brother of Y’Shua

    Internet etiquette taught by James, the brother of Y’Shua

    To communicate effectively is a skill, almost an art. Our words can be as sweet as honey or as sharp as a two-edged sword; the power of life and death is in the tongue. Many secular books have been written about effective communication, and many passages in Scripture covers the topic of the tongue and…

  • Traditions – good or bad?

    Traditions – good or bad?

    It is Friday; the sun is almost setting and a family gathers in their home all dressed up and ready to start their Sabbath celebration. The aroma of the prepared dinner is mouth-watering and the children giggle in anticipation. Mother and Father are getting the last things arranged. Everybody finds their places at the beautifully…

  • Haggai says you need to do more

    Haggai says you need to do more

    We all believe that we should live a righteous life and keep the commandments that YHVH provided for us in His Torah. We also believe that we should love our neighbor as ourselves. If we study the scriptures a bit more we see that this may not be enough. We should learn from Haggai that…

  • What is Righteousness? Let us count the ways

    What is Righteousness? Let us count the ways

    We are counting the Omer, a very significant time of the year. We just relived the exodus out of Egypt, when we celebrated Pesach and the Feast of Unleavened bread. We remembered the death and resurrection of our Saviour Y’shua, the Messiah with the feast of First Fruit! This is a time of spiritual preparation…

  • Have we become the modern-day Pharisees?

    Have we become the modern-day Pharisees?

    Have we become like the Pharisees in the time of Y’shua? Have you noticed how critical and judgmental we have become? There seems to be a tendency among believers to judge. To judge others for their different interpretation of scripture, for their use of certain words or for their use or pronunciation of the name…

  • Weigh your words….

    Weigh your words….

    Can words be measured? Can words be weighed? What is the measure of my words? Job 31:6 6 Let Him weigh me with accurate scales, And let יהוה know my integrity. What does weighing and scales have to do with words or with integrity? Picture an old scale, maybe an ancient scale that uses weights…