• Shavuot, consider this

    Shavuot, consider this

    Two years ago we started celebrating Shavuot differently. This day, to us, is a day on which we renew our commitment to YHVH. Much like married couples do when they renew their wedding vows. We do this in the form of a proclamation, because we are commanded to make a procalmation on this day. This…

  • How to count the Omer and celebrate Shavuot

    How to count the Omer and celebrate Shavuot

    Shavuot is the forth feast of seven in YHVH’s annual cycle. We have not been given a date for this feast but are commanded to count towards this special day. The purpose of this article is to attain an understanding as to what Abba YHVH expects of us in the observance of this feast, but…

  • Introduction to covenants – Covenants Part 1

    Introduction to covenants – Covenants Part 1

    In the Bible we see a clear description of the relationship between YHVH and His people. This relationship has gone through many ups and downs throughout the history of the Bible. The rules for this relationship are defined in the Bible by the means of a covenant between YHVH and His people. Thus it is…