• The Significance of Baptism

    The Significance of Baptism

    Is it really important to be baptized when coming to faith in Y’Shua as your Messiah? Y’Shua told His disciples to go and baptize people. The apostles kept up the tradition of baptizing new believers once they had acknowledged their faith in Y’Shua. The church as changed this doctrine over time to now also include…

  • Assembling together…how did we get from a tabernacle to a church or synagogue?

    Assembling together…how did we get from a tabernacle to a church or synagogue?

    In this study, we will investigate what we know, in our time, as an assembly and how this compares with what was done in Biblical times. We shall also study how and when this originated. We shall look at the purpose of the tabernacle and the Temple and if this was indeed the forerunners of…