• A basic introduction to the Epistle to the Galatians

    A basic introduction to the Epistle to the Galatians

    One of the biggest challenges we as believers in Y’Shua the Messiah have is to get to a good understanding of the concept of the salvation we have through Messiah and the need for us to keep the commandments. Most people are pretty clear about this fact once they have done their initial Torah cycle…

  • The Abrahamic Covenant – Covenants – Part 3

    The Abrahamic Covenant – Covenants – Part 3

    In our next installment in the series of the Biblical covenants we look into the covenant made with Abraham. Why was Abarham chosen and what exactly was promised to him? It is also interesting to analyze exactly who receives the benefits of this promise. And last we need to take a look at what this…

  • Circumcision and the blood of the Pesach Lamb

    Circumcision and the blood of the Pesach Lamb

    Why is the story of the circumcision of the son of Moses in the middle of the story of the Exodus? This is not small diversion but a very well thought through placement of related text. It is linked to the exodus via the Pesach lamb.