• The Prophetic significance of Yom T’Ruah

    The Prophetic significance of Yom T’Ruah

    In the article that we published last year, we covered the all the basic aspects of the appointed time of Yom T’Ruah. We looked at the instructions we received for keeping this appointed time and also touched on some of the bad and good traditions of this feast. In this article we will do a…

  • Feast of Trumpets – Yom T’ruah

    Feast of Trumpets – Yom T’ruah

    What does scripture tell us about the first of the fall feasts? How much of what you have learned comes from men and how much from YHVH? We have mixed commandments and traditions so much that it becomes very difficult to tell the one from the other. As we get closer to Yom T’ruah it…