• The names of other Deities

    The names of other Deities

    It is written in Scripture that we are not to mention the names of other deities. Is it correct to understand this to mean that we are not to, even say these names when referring to another god? In this study, we shall see what we can learn from scripture in this regard. We shall…

  • Being different

    Being different

    Mediocracy has become the social norm; it has become the way modern society functions. It is called normal or balanced. As long as people live according the approved social standard, they are accepted. This approved social standard does not like or accept people who are different. They say they do embrace diversity, but they don’t.…

  • The (not so) pagan roots of words

    The (not so) pagan roots of words

    The community of believers has become a minefield when it comes to the use of certain words and names. The words we use have become our label. If you say a word or name in a certain way, you are judged by some as being this or that. You are immediately categorized as either pure…