• Building altars

    Building altars

    We have recently published two articles: Dispelling spiritual darkness, which is about prayer altars and A spiritual priesthood about how wrong it is when we, as believers, call ourselves priests. These studies prompted a few the questions: how do we reconcile the building of altars and sacrificing by people who are not of the Levitical…

  • The Remnant

    The Remnant

    When we study Bible prophecy, we find many references to a remnant. We often read about YHVH’s judgement and how a remnant remains. It is prophesied that there will be a future judgment and that a remant will remain. Everybody wants to be part of that remnant. We want to be part of the group…

  • Scriptural guidance for the act of worship

    Scriptural guidance for the act of worship

    Quite often we hear the term ” praise and worship” being used. We use these terms very loosely and everybody attaches their own meaning. Let us turn to the Scriptures to see what we should do when we worship our Creator.

  • Noah’s Ark – Our trip to Turkey

    Noah’s Ark – Our trip to Turkey

    During one of our recent visits to Israel, we decided to make an additional stop over in Turkey. It is claimed that there is a site in Turkey that could be the final resting place of Noah’s Ark. We have never been to Eastern Turkey and have heard good things, so we decided to include…

  • Breaking the Covenant – Covenants Part 2

    Breaking the Covenant – Covenants Part 2

    In the first post in the series we discussed the concepts of a covenant and looked at some different types and forms of the covenants. In this post we will be looking at the concept of breaking a covenant and how that is different from annulling or voiding an agreement or contract. Very often we…

  • Prophecy in the sun, moon and stars

    Prophecy in the sun, moon and stars

    There is an area of study that is, of recent, getting a lot of attention, that is the using of signs in heaven as prophetic displays, pointing to future events. What are these signs and are there any truth therein? Can we determine the future by the movement of stars and planets? Are we to…