• The End of the Age

    The End of the Age

    There is much speculation regarding the coming of the Messiah Y’shua. Many interpretations and predictions are made. How do we know what is true? What will be the sign of Y’shua’s coming? Y’shua’s disciples were also anxious to know this. The first thing Y’shua said when asked this question was to warn them to see…

  • Mercy and Grace, you shall reap what you sow

    Mercy and Grace, you shall reap what you sow

    Mercy and grace are two of those abstract concepts that are often used to express what we are to have towards each other and what YHVH has towards us. Mercy and grace are two characteristics of YHVH, that express His deep love for us. We want to look closer at these concepts because if we…

  • Are fruit trees excluded from the Sabbatical year command?

    Are fruit trees excluded from the Sabbatical year command?

    After our previous article about preparing for the Sabbatical year, a very thought and study provoking question was asked by a friend. The question prompted us to want to investigate if fruit trees were included in the Sabbatical year commandment, specifically regarding pruning and harvesting. The answer to this would also affect if we could…