• The Last Supper was not a Passover seder

    The Last Supper was not a Passover seder

    Every year before and during Passover, we are confronted with the same questions. One of these questions is: was the last meal Y’shua had with His disciples a Pesach seder? There are many passages in Scripture that seem contradictory, especially on this topic, but we believe that these seeming contradictions are because of our lack…

  • Y’shua in Prophecy – Part 4 – A Guilt Offering

    Y’shua in Prophecy – Part 4 – A Guilt Offering

    When you read that Y’shua rendered Himself as a guilt offering in Isaiah 53:10, have you considered why specifically a guilt offering? Why not a sin offering or a peace offering, for example? Is it even important? In this study, we shall show you the significance of Y’shua being, specifically, a guilt offering. It is…