Uncleanness and separation…are these commandments still for us?
In our previous post, we wrote on the law of Niddah and some other relevant commandments. We have learned how uncleanness brought about by normal physiological functions or illness can cause separation. This compelled us to question the spiritual implications of this. We know there is a physical and a spiritual side to everything. Sometimes,…
Obedience follows repentance
I have come to realize that asking for forgiveness, is much more than a few words you speak when you pray. Have you considered what repentance really is? Do you know how to repent? What is proper repentance? Is your repentance real or just empty words? Do you continue doing the same sin after you…
To eat or not to eat, what is the Scriptural standard?
What is the scriptural standard with regards to eating? How are we to understand these instructions and what is the physical and spiritual significance when we obey? Keeping these dietary instructions is commonly referred to as keeping kosher. The word “kosher” or “kasher” means proper, pure or acceptable. If we say we eat “kosher” we…