• The validity and value of woman’s headcovering

    The validity and value of woman’s headcovering

    I have recently written two articles on the topic of head covering. I find it a very intriguing but at the same time; overlooked topic. The authority structure of Yahovah is the most important facet of this teaching. The head covering was given to the woman to wear as an outward sign of that authority.…

  • Truth versus Deception. How do we know?

    Truth versus Deception. How do we know?

    I recently received an article via e-mail. The message is about a very popular topic “Can the law save?” This article is a prime example of the deception of our day and age. Deception comes very easily when you quote scripture out of context, when you only spend a few minutes studying your Bible and…

  • Weigh your words….

    Weigh your words….

    Can words be measured? Can words be weighed? What is the measure of my words? Job 31:6 6 Let Him weigh me with accurate scales, And let יהוה know my integrity. What does weighing and scales have to do with words or with integrity? Picture an old scale, maybe an ancient scale that uses weights…

  • Deception of the Religious Apartheid within

    Deception of the Religious Apartheid within

    Last time I spoke of the different sources of deception that would exist in the end time. During the last week I ran into one of these and this reminded me of my days in South Africa when apartheid was still enforced. I have found the similarities between the two very revealing but also see…

  • If you will not return to Me…

    If you will not return to Me…

    Just take a look around you! There is widespread famine, tropical storms, earthquakes, wars and rumors of wars, financial hardship, moral decay and infertility. The whole earth seems to be in turmoil. Is this the beginning of the end times? Are we experiencing what Y’shua described to His disciples in Matthew 24? Are these purely…

  • YHVH is calling us to return to Him!

    YHVH is calling us to return to Him!

    Our journey in life is part of a cycle. Everything in life is cyclical. Just look at nature – the cycle of life… we are born into this world, we grow up and we grow old and we die. Our life can be meaningful or meaningless. Our choices determine which one it would be. In…