• Dispelling Spiritual Darkness

    Dispelling Spiritual Darkness

    Darkness is the spiritual force that takes over when the will of YHVH is rejected. This gives the enemy legal right and authority. We are influenced by this darkness around us. We fall into temptation, we turn away from YHVH, our prayers are not effective, we don’t hear YHVH’s voice and don’t know His will.…

  • A Scriptural introduction to angels

    A Scriptural introduction to angels

    In the last couple of articles, we have started investigating the spiritual dimension of the Scriptures. When we talk about the spiritual dimension we also need to talk about the spiritual beings. In Scripture we find a number of references to heavenly beings. What exactly does Scripture teach us about angels, and which parts of…

  • The spiritual impact of Babel

    The spiritual impact of Babel

    This article will focus on a very specific incident in the Scriptures – The tower of Babel. Most people recall this piece of text only for the effect that it had, the creation of multiple languages and the separation of the nations. There was actually a lot more to this, if we look at this…

  • What did Nicodemus really hear?

    What did Nicodemus really hear?

    In the Gospel of John we have a recording of a conversation that took place between Y’Shua and a Jewish teacher named Nicodemus. This is a very profound discussion that can only be appreciated by understanding the context of the questions and answers. In order to understand any message clearly we also need to understand…

  • Scriptural introduction to prayer

    Scriptural introduction to prayer

    Prayer is something most believers take for granted. There should be no need to do a study to convince believers that praying is something they should do on a regular basis. However, when we get into a bit more detail, we still find a lot of varying positions and teachings on specific dimensions of prayer.…

  • Are we to submit to Government authority?

    Are we to submit to Government authority?

    YHVH is our highest authority! We are to obey Him first and foremost. What would be our responsibility regarding government authority? Do we have to submit to government authority? What are we to do if those over us are wicked and corrupt? Are we still to submit?