• What is Sanctification and why we need it?

    What is Sanctification and why we need it?

    We have come to realize that the topic of sanctification is probably one of the most overlooked topics in the believing community. There is a lot of focus on salvation and very little emphasis on sanctification. This is most likely caused by the incorrect assumption that salvation fixes everything in our lives. Salvation is foundational,…

  • The spiritual dimension of Y’Shua’s acts

    The spiritual dimension of Y’Shua’s acts

    Now that we have a good understanding of the basics of the spiritual world, it is interesting to relook at the ministry of Y’shua with a focus on the spiritual dimension. If we focus on this we start to see a number of passages, that now either add a new understanding or raise a whole…

  • What are demons?

    What are demons?

    We have already looked at angels and the adversary in our study of the spiritual realm. In this study we will investigate what exactly demons are and where did they come from. To often there is a lack of knowledge regarding demons, idols and ghosts. Thus we need to turn to Scripture to see how…

  • Strongholds, each of us has one

    Strongholds, each of us has one

    The concept of a stronghold is foreign to our modern minds, except for what we may have read about it in history books. It is not part of our frame of reference and because of this, we may not understand the significance of this. We need to understand the physical structure in order to understand…

  • Redemption of the firstborn – Redemption – Part 1

    Redemption of the firstborn – Redemption – Part 1

    Redemption is quite a complex concept, but we need to understand this in order to comprehend what Y’shua did for us when He redeemed us and to see the future redemption of Israel. This is the first of a few posts focusing on different aspects of redemption. We shall start off with a study on…