Y’shua in Prophecy – Part 5 – The Branch
Y’shua is the Light of the world; the Word made flesh; He is the Good Shepherd, the Bread of Life. We learned in a previous article ” Y’shua in Prophecy – Part 3 -The Servant,” that He is also the Suffering Servant, Who redeemed us with His life by being a guilt offering. It is…
We are living temples… really?
We have recently written two articles about the topic of assembling together. The tabernacle and Temple were central in both these studies. This time we are going to look at the Temple from a different, more spiritual, point of view. We have been taught that we are living temples of the Holy Spirit, but are…
How should we pray?
We have discussed the basic of way we should pray and what prayer can achieve in our lives. Now we will focus a bit more on the act of praying. We will investigate what the Scriptures say about things like attitude, frequency and posture. Hopefully, this will provide us with an even more holistic view…
Living by faith…when our faith is tested
In this article, we will focus on the practical aspects of trusting in YHVH aka living by faith. What does it mean to live by faith and how are we to endure when our faith is tested? We shall also share a personal testimony with you as well as some practical advice on how to…
Lack of trust will lead to apostasy
Many people don’t realize how important it is to trust YHVH. Did you know that not trusting YHVH will lead you to apostasy? However, so many people choose to put their trust in people; people, mere creations, blessed with half-truths. They will follow them to the ends of the earth, just because they think these…
Faith is something you do!
We all know that our salvation is by faith through His grace. If we believe that His Son, Y’Shua our Messiah, has died for us without any sin and was resurrected from the dead, then we have eternal life. But why does it then make any difference what I do? I cannot earn my salvation…