• Forgive yourself

    Forgive yourself

    Do you love yourself? Do you even like yourself? If you answered no, why not? If you were to think long and hard, you may find this feeling towards yourself rooted in unforgiveness. Many of us, myself included, struggle to forgive ourselves. We may have done things in the past, we regret and may even…

  • The Significance of the Blood of Y’shua

    The Significance of the Blood of Y’shua

    There is great significance in the blood of Y’shua. So much, you will be amazed by it. Although, I think we don’t have a full understanding yet. Our human minds cannot fully comprehend the things of YHVH, yet sometimes He gives a glimpse. This seems to me like one of those times. This study has…

  • Seeing the best in others

    Seeing the best in others

    We assume things about other people, often the worst. Instead of giving them the benefit of the doubt, we react based on what we have made up in our minds about them. We don’t even attempt to find the truth. These assumptions are often born out of our own insecurities and fear of rejection. This…

  • How should we pray?

    How should we pray?

    We have discussed the basic of way we should pray and what prayer can achieve in our lives. Now we will focus a bit more on the act of praying. We will investigate what the Scriptures say about things like attitude, frequency and posture. Hopefully, this will provide us with an even more holistic view…

  • Obedience follows repentance

    Obedience follows repentance

    I have come to realize that asking for forgiveness, is much more than a few words you speak when you pray. Have you considered what repentance really is? Do you know how to repent? What is proper repentance? Is your repentance real or just empty words? Do you continue doing the same sin after you…