• A call to Boldness

    A call to Boldness

    Do you speak with boldness about YHVH and His things or do you prefer to keep quiet? Boldness is another one of those recurring themes that I am experiencing in my life. I believe that it is not only for me, but that YHVH is calling us to be bold and to tell people about…

  • Cleaning out the leaven…being prepared

    Cleaning out the leaven…being prepared

    In a few weeks time we will be celebrating the Passover , the feast of First Fruit and the Feast of Unleavened bread. It is time to start preparing our homes and our hearts for this time. We prepare by removing leaven from our homes, both physical and spiritual. You may think that we still…

  • A love of all things Jewish

    A love of all things Jewish

    As a result of my previous discussion regarding the end-time deceptions, I have been having discussions with several people regarding their experiences. These include a couple we met when we went to Jerusalem for Pesach and the Feast of Unleavened Bread earlier this year. They are in the land of Israel now for a while…