An Excellent Wife
When we think about being an excellent wife, we picture the image we feature here. It is, however, not about performance. It goes much deeper.
Making your voice heard on high
The next three appointed times on YHVH’s calendar is approaching, Yom T’ruah, Yom Kippurim, and Sukkot. It is always a good thing to “take stock” of our spiritual condition before we observe these days. Especially Yom Kippurim, a day of humbling ourselves before YHVH. It is part of Jewish tradition to do introspection for forty…
Mercy and Grace, you shall reap what you sow
Mercy and grace are two of those abstract concepts that are often used to express what we are to have towards each other and what YHVH has towards us. Mercy and grace are two characteristics of YHVH, that express His deep love for us. We want to look closer at these concepts because if we…
A call to Boldness
Do you speak with boldness about YHVH and His things or do you prefer to keep quiet? Boldness is another one of those recurring themes that I am experiencing in my life. I believe that it is not only for me, but that YHVH is calling us to be bold and to tell people about…
Being in YHVH’s will
Making choices is part of life. We can choose the country we live in, the suburb, the house. We can choose how we raise our children. We choose our friends and we choose what we eat or don’t eat. We can choose a career, the clothes we wear. Some choices have a greater impact on…