• A Visit to Tell Dan

    A Visit to Tell Dan

    On a recent trip to Isreal, we visited the site of Tell Dan. While visiting the site we learned about all the history of this place. Most of us know Dan only for the fact that one of Jeroboam’s calves were placed at Dan. Come explore with us the complete story behind this city and…

  • The sixth year, a year of preparation

    The sixth year, a year of preparation

    This sixth year of the Sabbatical cycle is a year of preparation. Just like we have the weekly Sabbath with the sixth day as the preparation day, we have the Sabbatical year, the seventh year, with the sixth year as a year of preparation. So this year when the barley is found aviv and the…

  • When shall the restoration of all things be?

    When shall the restoration of all things be?

    In the Scriptures we see the phrase “restoration of all things” a few times. Do we understand what this phrase means and what preconditions exist for this to start? It starts off with personal restoration. Repentance is a key element of this process. How are we to repent? What do we need to repent of?…