• The mind will justify what the heart desires.

    The mind will justify what the heart desires.

    The mind will justify what the heart desires. This is not only true when it comes to the keeping of YHVH’s commandments. The fears in our hearts can ruin us. Our mind is able to bend reality to justify not only our desires, but also these fears. Our hearts are deceitful and evil comes forth…

  • Scripture memorization … having YHVH’s Word in our hearts…

    Scripture memorization … having YHVH’s Word in our hearts…

    The power of Scripture is unlike anything else on earth. It’s a force to be reckoned with, containing intrinsic power, high enough to give us insight, deep enough to give us peace, wide enough to mold our personalities, and strong enough to bear us through horrendous days.2

  • Speak truth to yourself

    Speak truth to yourself

    In this article, we will focus on the first step of what we are to do to establish hope and purpose in our lives. Our objective is to be free from anxiety and depression; to live a life driven by purpose that will inspire others to want to be part of YHVH’s Kingdom.