Cleaning out the chimney, the past and the leaven
YHVH is very practical. He uses things that happen in our lives to teach us and to help us grow in Him. This week has been one of those weeks. A week of growing in many respects. We are busy with renovation work and had the chimney cleaned. We also had a blockage in our…
Pesach – come experience Jerusalem
As we are celebrating the feasts of Pesach, Unleavened Bread and First Fruits, we have not prepared a study. Instead, we share our experiences from Jerusalem with you. Come and have a look at what Pesach in Jerusalem is all about. Enjoy the celebration with us!
Cleaning out the leaven…being prepared
In a few weeks time we will be celebrating the Passover , the feast of First Fruit and the Feast of Unleavened bread. It is time to start preparing our homes and our hearts for this time. We prepare by removing leaven from our homes, both physical and spiritual. You may think that we still…
It is time for us to get out of slavery and return to YHVH!
It is almost time to celebrate the Passover. The Passover commemorates YHVH’s redemption of His people from slavery in Egypt. Every year when we tell the story of the Exodus, we tell our own story as well; a story of redemption from sin, through the blood of our Passover, Y’shua our Messiah. Do you have…