• Bible Study – Part 3 – What does this phrase mean?

    Bible Study – Part 3 – What does this phrase mean?

    In our continuing investigation into sound Bible study, we now get to the level of interpretation of phrases and/or verses of the Bible. We investigate what is needed to be able to move from the original context to our current context in a sound way. At the same time we need to understand some of…

  • Have we become the modern-day Pharisees?

    Have we become the modern-day Pharisees?

    Have we become like the Pharisees in the time of Y’shua? Have you noticed how critical and judgmental we have become? There seems to be a tendency among believers to judge. To judge others for their different interpretation of scripture, for their use of certain words or for their use or pronunciation of the name…

  • Defining the keys of the kingdom of heaven

    Defining the keys of the kingdom of heaven

    We are often told that the scepter has been entrusted to Judah based on Genesis 49:9-10. However, if you follow the advice we gave you last week and reread these verses, you will see that these verses tell you that the scepter will pass from Judah. I believe that this has already happened and Judah…