• Building altars

    Building altars

    We have recently published two articles: Dispelling spiritual darkness, which is about prayer altars and A spiritual priesthood about how wrong it is when we, as believers, call ourselves priests. These studies prompted a few the questions: how do we reconcile the building of altars and sacrificing by people who are not of the Levitical…

  • A spiritual priesthood?

    A spiritual priesthood?

    The truth of YHVH’s word is like fire, it purifies. It also burns, which may bring pain. Truth can bring pain when it exposes deception. I will rather face the pain truth brings now, than to face the wrath of YHVH’s judgment which is a consuming fire. YHVH’s word is also like balm, it will…

  • The New High Priest on Yom Kippurim

    The New High Priest on Yom Kippurim

    During the annual mo’ed of Yom Kippurim (Day of Atonements), the high priest of Israel had a very special role to play. He had to take the blood of the sin offerings before YHVH to atone for his sin, his family’s sin and the sin of the nation. When Y’shua died and was resurrected, His…