Praise in faith, healing and warfare
Who doesn’t like to be praised? Praise builds up. You may have witnessed the glow on a little child’s face when you give them praise. YHVH wants us to praise Him, He deserves our praise, but the way I understand it, is that it is not for His benefit, but for ours. There is great…
A Scriptural introduction to angels
In the last couple of articles, we have started investigating the spiritual dimension of the Scriptures. When we talk about the spiritual dimension we also need to talk about the spiritual beings. In Scripture we find a number of references to heavenly beings. What exactly does Scripture teach us about angels, and which parts of…
The spiritual impact of Babel
This article will focus on a very specific incident in the Scriptures – The tower of Babel. Most people recall this piece of text only for the effect that it had, the creation of multiple languages and the separation of the nations. There was actually a lot more to this, if we look at this…
The Prophetic significance of Yom T’Ruah
In the article that we published last year, we covered the all the basic aspects of the appointed time of Yom T’Ruah. We looked at the instructions we received for keeping this appointed time and also touched on some of the bad and good traditions of this feast. In this article we will do a…
The mystery of unanswered prayer
In this study, you will be introduced to another facet of heavenly warfare. Previously we looked at our spiritual mandate. Does the spiritual realm affect our prayers in any way? Is there a link between answered prayer and spiritual warfare? You will learn more about the mystery of unanswered prayer.