• Having an attitude of gratitude

    Having an attitude of gratitude

    I believe that one of the reasons YHVH gives us children is to teach us about ourselves :) Consider what happens when we give our children everything they desire at the very moment they want it? They get spoiled. When children are spoiled and told that they can’t have something, they pout and sulk. Some…

  • The sixth year, a year of preparation

    The sixth year, a year of preparation

    This sixth year of the Sabbatical cycle is a year of preparation. Just like we have the weekly Sabbath with the sixth day as the preparation day, we have the Sabbatical year, the seventh year, with the sixth year as a year of preparation. So this year when the barley is found aviv and the…

  • Should we do the commandments, if we can’t do it all properly?

    Should we do the commandments, if we can’t do it all properly?

    It is almost the seventh Biblical month, and the fall feasts are just around the corner. YHVH gave us these feasts as celebrations, but also as teaching aids to learn more about Him and His Kingdom. As the feasts draw near, we need to look into what YHVH requires of us, because we want to…

  • They say there are giants in the land…

    They say there are giants in the land…

    This probably sounds like something out of a fable, but it’s very real. We all have experience with giants in our lives. Allow us to explain… We all face trails from time to time. Difficult trials, that overwhelm us with such an intensity that we do not know where to turn to or what to…

  • Living by faith…when our faith is tested

    Living by faith…when our faith is tested

    In this article, we will focus on the practical aspects of trusting in YHVH aka living by faith. What does it mean to live by faith and how are we to endure when our faith is tested? We shall also share a personal testimony with you as well as some practical advice on how to…

  • What is Righteousness? Let us count the ways

    What is Righteousness? Let us count the ways

    We are counting the Omer, a very significant time of the year. We just relived the exodus out of Egypt, when we celebrated Pesach and the Feast of Unleavened bread. We remembered the death and resurrection of our Saviour Y’shua, the Messiah with the feast of First Fruit! This is a time of spiritual preparation…