• Y’shua in prophecy – Part 3 – The Servant

    Y’shua in prophecy – Part 3 – The Servant

    When you, as a believer in Y’shua, read the passages written in Isaiah about the servant, it is easy to see that most of these are prophecies about the Messiah Y’shua. It is about Who He is and what He came to earth to do. However, when you have to defend your point of view…

  • Who is Israel and why you would want to be a part of Israel

    Who is Israel and why you would want to be a part of Israel

    You may have noticed that we are always referring to Israel and saying that we are a part of Israel. You may have wondered where we got this notion from? It is of fundamental importance to know and understand this. Our identity determines how we live. Think about any culture; being part of a certain…

  • All that YHVH has spoken we will do!…a message for Shavuot

    All that YHVH has spoken we will do!…a message for Shavuot

    It is almost Shavuot again, the feast of proclamation. How blessed are we to be able to celebrate YHVHs appointed times? YHVH has a purpose with these days, a very special purpose. These appointed times are prophetic and this one, Shavuot, has been fulfilled twice. We have learned, with the previous cycle, that this day…

  • Obedience follows repentance

    Obedience follows repentance

    I have come to realize that asking for forgiveness, is much more than a few words you speak when you pray. Have you considered what repentance really is? Do you know how to repent? What is proper repentance? Is your repentance real or just empty words? Do you continue doing the same sin after you…

  • Lessons from Sukkot

    Lessons from Sukkot

    We just had the privilege of celebrating the Biblical feast of Sukkot! We celebrated the feast by camping on the roof of a building with other believers. It has been an amazing time, and we have experienced and learned so much. This feast of Sukkot is indeed multi-facetted. It is a festival of rejoicing before…

  • Fasting on Yom Kippurim

    Fasting on Yom Kippurim

    I have seen so many articles about Yom Kippurim this past week that my head is spinning! I love these feast times, so much to learn so little time. It sometimes feels like drinking from a fire hose! To get back to the articles; many people seem to be of the opinion that it is…