• Who Am I?

    Who Am I?

    When we become believers, we become children of YHVH. He is our Father who loves us unconditionally and wants the best for us. If we did not have an earthly father who modelled this love for us, or failed us in any way, we may not be able to fully comprehend this love the Father…

  • An introduction to the spiritual realm

    An introduction to the spiritual realm

    Although we all talk about the physical and the spiritual worlds, very few have done a study on this topic. The result is that we all walk around with different views of this spiritual dimension. Most of us do acknowledge the existence of a spiritual world. This is where the common agreement stops. If we…

  • Defining the keys of the kingdom of heaven

    Defining the keys of the kingdom of heaven

    We are often told that the scepter has been entrusted to Judah based on Genesis 49:9-10. However, if you follow the advice we gave you last week and reread these verses, you will see that these verses tell you that the scepter will pass from Judah. I believe that this has already happened and Judah…