• The New High Priest on Yom Kippurim

    The New High Priest on Yom Kippurim

    During the annual mo’ed of Yom Kippurim (Day of Atonements), the high priest of Israel had a very special role to play. He had to take the blood of the sin offerings before YHVH to atone for his sin, his family’s sin and the sin of the nation. When Y’shua died and was resurrected, His…

  • The Fourth Commandment  – Part 1 – Who Changed It?

    The Fourth Commandment – Part 1 – Who Changed It?

    Our Father is a loving Father, and it is His desire to bless us. He is good, and His Word is good. He created the heavens and the earth, and on the seventh day He rested. He blessed this day and sanctified it. He made the seventh day; a day set apart from the other,…

  • Trip Report – Shavuot – Our proclamation

    Trip Report – Shavuot – Our proclamation

    The previous two articles we published regarding the feast of Shavuot emphasized the proclamation that had to be made as part of our Shavuot celebrations. We felt that this proclamation needed to be a repentance of sin. This repentance should not only be for our own sins, but also for the sins of our fathers.…

  • If You Can’t Hear the Drums of War You Must Be Deaf

    If You Can’t Hear the Drums of War You Must Be Deaf

    War is coming and with that, captivity! That is a very dramatic statement but it is very likely! We are currently experiencing terror, drought, famine, earthquakes and plagues all around us. The world is being judged with the righteous judgments from YHVH. What we are experiencing in the world is a cycle of punishment. There…

  • Circumcision and the blood of the Pesach Lamb

    Circumcision and the blood of the Pesach Lamb

    Why is the story of the circumcision of the son of Moses in the middle of the story of the Exodus? This is not small diversion but a very well thought through placement of related text. It is linked to the exodus via the Pesach lamb.