Petitioning YHVH
Hannah was childless and it caused her great sorrow. She petitioned YHVH for a son, and He gave her children. Adonijah petitioned Bathsheba for Abishag, she was beautiful and he wanted her to be his wife. However, he had ulterior motives…Esther risked her life to petition king Ahasuerus for the life of her people. Job,…
The mind will justify what the heart desires.
The mind will justify what the heart desires. This is not only true when it comes to the keeping of YHVH’s commandments. The fears in our hearts can ruin us. Our mind is able to bend reality to justify not only our desires, but also these fears. Our hearts are deceitful and evil comes forth…
Sukkot in Jerusalem – 2015
We are all currently celebrating the Feast of Sukkot. Some of us are blessed enough to be doing it in the city He chose to put His name. See what Jerusalem looked like this year during the feast.
The Remnant
When we study Bible prophecy, we find many references to a remnant. We often read about YHVH’s judgement and how a remnant remains. It is prophesied that there will be a future judgment and that a remant will remain. Everybody wants to be part of that remnant. We want to be part of the group…
Your life has an impact
Each of us has a purpose and a role to play in YHVH’s plan. I saw a short video last week of dominoes, gradually increasing in size, that illustrated this beautifully. You may have seen it too. The biggest domino was standing almost half a meter tall and the smallest was so small it had…
Shavuot 2015 – An appointed time of great significance
Shavuot, the feast of oaths, an appointed time with our Heavenly Father. On this day we seven ourselves, we re-dedicate ourselves to YHVH. We have come to experience Shavuot as focusing on our relationship with YHVH, both individually and nationally. It does make sense because on this day the Torah was given and later the…