• Disobedience is not a game, it could change the course of your life

    Disobedience is not a game, it could change the course of your life

    What if your next act of disobedience changes the course of your life? Have you ever considered this? I am not talking about losing a blessing as a result of being disobedient; I am talking about a profound change. YHVH is very patient with us; I don’t think we realize just how much. Will He…

  • Fasting… why and how to

    Fasting… why and how to

    If you were to think long and hard about it; you would realize that fasting is actually a mystery. Why would abstaining from food be significant in our spiritual walk and why should we do it and how? Many questions go through my mind; I am certain through yours too. We fast at least one…

  • The Vision of Slaughter….Turn from your wicked ways and live!

    The Vision of Slaughter….Turn from your wicked ways and live!

    We just witnessed the opening of another Olympic games. It reminded me of Pompeii in the Roman times. We recently went to the town and saw, among the well-preserved ruins, the layout of the arena. The guide told us how they had special rooms for the “athletes” just outside the arena where they could go…

  • If You Can’t Hear the Drums of War You Must Be Deaf

    If You Can’t Hear the Drums of War You Must Be Deaf

    War is coming and with that, captivity! That is a very dramatic statement but it is very likely! We are currently experiencing terror, drought, famine, earthquakes and plagues all around us. The world is being judged with the righteous judgments from YHVH. What we are experiencing in the world is a cycle of punishment. There…

  • A Most Annoying Shofar

    A Most Annoying Shofar

    Recently we received a link to an article that was posted on the website of a group called “Restorers of Zion”. They have published a document that we believe would be most beneficial for a wider audience to read. It is a prophetic vision that explains to us the Father’s view of the current Messianic…

  • If you will not return to Me…

    If you will not return to Me…

    Just take a look around you! There is widespread famine, tropical storms, earthquakes, wars and rumors of wars, financial hardship, moral decay and infertility. The whole earth seems to be in turmoil. Is this the beginning of the end times? Are we experiencing what Y’shua described to His disciples in Matthew 24? Are these purely…